
S. A - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"That individual lawyers can help with social justice issues"

Ethan W - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"I liked the historical overview. "

Kelli K - ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico

"historical information"

Erika R - San Pedro, California

"Engaging subject matter coupled with real life trial advocacy"

Jason B - Simsbury, Connecticut

"That it meets my CLE reqs."

Sean M - Bethesda, Maryland

"Very informative"

Francis W - Bangor, Maine

"everything "

Timothy C - Roswell, New Mexico

"the history of bias and prejudice against the Osage and other Indian tribes by the govt. and white people."

Brian C - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Interesting and lesser known facts."

Brian F - Corrales, New Mexico

"I love history and although i have not yet seen the movie, found the story fascinating as well as heartbreaking"