
Charles A - Byfield, Massachusetts

"Stay on top of technology, use common-sense, and be vigilant and treat all information as if it's unsecure."

Pamela G - Cape Girardeau, Missouri


Graham L - Columbia, Missouri

"Password-protect PDFs when sending confidential information via email"

MaryAustin D - South Portland, Maine

"Lots of security tips about email, passwords, credit checks etc."

Cynthia W - St. Peters, Missouri

"Security and encryption on cell phone Malware for phone"

James E - St. Louis, Missouri

"I will be more diligent about monitoring credit reports and utilizing insurance to protect against exposure"

Gary W - Salt Lake City, Utah

"Securing email. "

Alison C - Lake Oswego, Oregon

"Secure Email and check credit"

Jeffrey C - Portland, Oregon

"I will secure my home wifi!"

Jesse B - Mulvane, Kansas

"Among other things, communicate with clients through (or using) a secure e-mail service. communication(s)"