Ryan C - Chesterfield, Missouri"Delegation takes planning--make sure everyone part of the project/assignment understands the objective(s), their assignments, and whether everyone has enough time to accomplish it." |
James R - HERMOSA BEACH, California"Set an agenda" |
William D - Sturgeon, Missouri"feedback methods" |
Camille J - Richmond, Missouri"Daily follow up." |
James K. H - Sheridan, Wyoming"Daily "work flow" meetings with assistant. " |
Daric S - Topeka, Kansas"Asking my assistant to give feedback on what SHE needs from me." |
Meghan M - St. Louis, Missouri"Holding regular meetings with my paralegal/legal assistant to help me stay on task but also ascertain how they may be able to help me (i.e. working towards delegation)." |
Jacob G - St. Louis, Missouri"Explaining to clients what timely responses mean" |
Alison S - Kansas City, Missouri"How to conduct an effective meeting." |
Mary Kay G - Battle Ground, Washington"Listen more." |